Health & Safety

1.1 It is the policy of Mersey Print Group Ltd that Health and Safety is of prime importance. It will conduct it’s operations safely, protecting the health and safety of employees and all other persons who may be affected by it’s operations

In particular it is the policy of Insign to:

1.2 Seek continuous improvement in its health and safety performance at all times, delivering a professional service to its customers at all times.

1.3 Implement all measures considered necessary in order to ensure the safe working and protection of health.

1.4 Operate in a manner, which protects the health and safety of the environment and local community at all, times.

1.5 Ensure that all employees and contractors are aware of their personal responsibility in preventing harm to themselves and others.

1.6 Will encourage the co-operation and active support of all employees and contractors in the prevention of accidents and in safeguarding safety and health at all times.

1.7 Provide as necessary appropriate health and safety training for all employees.

1.8 Supply products that can be manufactured, transported, used and disposed of safely and provide all employees, customers and others who may come into contact with such items, adequate safety information.

1.9 Fully comply with all statutory provisions, which represent the minimum acceptable standard.

1.10 Audit health and safety performance to ensure compliance of this policy and identify opportunities for improvement.

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