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CurriculumĀ  Coaching

Our curriculum programme is open to boys & girls within their primary school, normally organised through individual classes.

We cover all aspects of the Physical Education spectrum and fundamental movements.

Within these sessions AW COACHING use the elements of the SAQ (speed, agility, quickness) continuum which all our coaching staff are qualified to teach.

The methods concentrate on improving pupil’s key physical and mental development such as training fundamental movement, hand eye co – ordination, speed, agility, decision making and balance.


Our After School programme is open to boys & girls within their primary school, normally organised through year groups 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 or key stages F, 1 & 2

We offer lots of different afterschool clubs including, Multi sports, Football, Dodgeball, Hockey, Basketball , Cricket, Yoga, Gymnastics and many more

Every child participating will receive an official AW COACHING medal as well as a certificate of attendance.

The programme is booked as a course to coincide with school terms.